The goal of this project was to create a low power, interactive device that allowed seamless integration with glasses.
The engineering curriculum offered at Pemberton Township Highschool included a formal conceptual to prototype design process as their senior course.
As part of taking this course, students had to register their project idea the summer before and complete a conceptual design presentation.
The conceptual design review acted as the entry ticket for the class and passing provided funding for the project.
This prototype optical setup was meant for testing the lens calculations for scaling the device screen.
The LCD display is set in front of the device and it should be magnified to be the correct size when placed in front of the eye.
This stand was designed to be used for rapidly prototyping using a Raspberry Pi model Zero W+, Adafruit OLED SSD1351, Arducam 0v6547, and Parallax trackball.
Designed in Autodesk Inventor 2019
3D printed using a Monoprice Mini Delta V1.0 in Ultimaker Cura Slicer.
A screenshot of the LCD display showing the FRAMEs operating system home screen.
Using RPI GPIO the user could interact with the system using the trackball peripheral.
A version of my version control and source code for this project can be seen below.
Learn MoreLinux Raspbian, Python 3, Luma OLED Core Library, Autodesk Inventor, Ultimaker Cura, Android Studio, RPI Async GPIO, Github, SFTP
Raspberry Pi GPIO, Monoprice Mini Delta V1.0, Voltmeter