Project Iris


Through my own personal project of creating a remote controlled car using Arduino I figured out how to use Bluetooth Low Energy on the DFRobot Arduino Romeo v1.0.

Project Details

  • This tutorial focuses on the Arduino Romeo v1.0’s BLE capability and how to utilize all the features of the board. Detailing step by step instructions on how to set up the Arduino for BLE use of connecting two Arduino Romeo’s to each other and sending information back and forth. To learn more about the boards I am using you can visit the wiki here

BLE Tutorial

This tutorial was provided to students for projects involving bluetooth low energy.

Playstation Controller Code

Using an Arduino USB shield additional functionality was added to enahnce to use a PS3 Controller as the remote.


A version of my version control and source code for this project can be seen below.

Learn More 

Software Tools

Bluetooth Low Energy Protocol, C++, Arduino Serial Library

Hardware tools

Arduino Romeo BLE V1.0, DFRobot Input Shield