The ADCO COVID Screening Form was delivered as part of an internship.
The goal of this project was design a web form that journeymen could log onto from their devices to submit a daily symptom questionair.
An added feature of the application was to add in email notificaiton functionality for foremen issued devices.
June of 2020
Express Javascript HTTP Framework
Serves the web pages and perform other server side operations
Bootstrap 5.1 CSS
Provides the aesthetic styling
Node JS
Packages the front end and back end for deployment and is the javascript runtime environment
Deploys the application and provides a mechanism for continuous integration through Github pipelining
Store employee identifiers and log in credentials
I accepted an offer with ADCO to be their software engineering intern for summer of 2020.
Working closely with their fresh new web development team, we managed to quickly deploy a much needed COVID tracking application.
Users were meant to register and input their given employee identification.
This information would then be matched with the information in their azure directory, and store a unique set of credentials in the mongo database.
From then on, employees would log into the form daily to fill out a form indicating their symptoms for COVID.
Additional functionality was added after initial deployment to add email notification for foremen under certain conditions.